With the dawn of the digital age, we have seen a rise in technology careers all around the world. In today’s dynamic technological landscape, we are noticing a great change career wise. A lot of jobs are being lost to automation and the advent of COVID-19 has further worsened the situation. Whether you want a career switch or need to advance your skills, the below mentioned five highest-paying tech jobs can help to give a huge boost to your technical career.

1. Data Scientist
Data analytics is an important medium to overview the structure and functionality of any business. A data scientist carefully examines, analyzes, and interprets the crucial data related to any organization and thus succors in implementing desired changes to help enterprise grow through data-driven insights. The data analytics profile pays you a handsome average salary of $141,000 per annum. Data scientists are crucial to any data-driven business. In order to become a data-scientist you must have certain skills that can help enterprises expand confidently such as:
● Understanding the challenges of businesses.
● Suggest the appropriate suggestion to optimizethe business functionality
● Deep understanding of machine learning algorithmsand creation of data models
● Sound coding skills in Python, SAS, R, andrelated data analytic tools.
2. Artificial Intelligence(AI) Engineer
No doubt, the amplified use of Artificial Intelligence-based tools aids in executing businesses in today's digital environment. Enterprises are migrating towards employing AI-based techniques to uplift their business processes. An AI engineer can effectively develop, manage, and maintain the entire AI-based functionality for the organization. The average annual salary for an AI engineer is approx $119,000. All you require is:
● Sound programming knowledge of Python, R, Torch,etc.
● In-depth understanding of Tensor and related technologies
● Expertise in using the tools related to Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, etc.
3. Software Architect
In today's highly competitive world, customer satisfaction is everything. All you need is to present the most appropriate prototype promising enough to meet the customer's requirements. A software architect governs the most feasible technical optimization of any business. These people help define the codes, platforms, and set of IT-tools, design choices, and nurture the whole prototype as per the customer's need. This crucial role pays you an annual salary of approx. $130,000. To be an exceptional software architect, one needs to have:
● Excellent coding skills
● Strong knowledge of analytics and data modeling
● A deep understanding of software architecture
4. Applications Architect
A smooth-running application is a gateway to building an innumerous customer family. Timely updating application technology and creating new ones helps businesses perform exceptionally great amongst their competitors. An application architect plays the utmost essential role in designing crucial business applications and setting up more systematic and user-friendly applications. This role fetches an average annual salary of approx. $144,500.To work for a similar position you must:
● Acquire sound technical knowledge
● Excellent planning, execution, and communication skills
● In-depth understanding of user interface, middleware, and infrastructure of applications
5. Cloud Architect
Cloud-based technologies help businesses retain their big data more efficiently and effectively. Continuously upgrading cloud technologies increases much-needed transparency in industries. A cloud architect develops the overall cloud strategy and syncing various operations to implement and deploy. This exciting job profile procures an average annual salary of approx. $118,000. To be a cloud architect you need to have:
● In-depth knowledge of cloud application architecture
● Excellent communication and management skills
● Thorough understanding of cloud-based platforms.
Prepare yourself for the future ahead by upgrading your skill set to match the above mentioned highest paying IT jobs.